AnGenMap ArchivedPost

From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Fri Oct  4 11:12:50 2024
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From: "Susan Lamont" <sjlamontiastate.edu>
Postmaster: submission approved by list moderator
To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: PAG32 Animal Genomics and Adaptation to Climate
        Change Workshop
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 11:12:51 -0500
The PAG32 Animal Genomics and Adaptation to Climate Change workshop will be
held on Friday, January 10, 4:00-6:10 p.m. Volunteered abstracts will be
selected for short oral presentations to complement the four scheduled
keynote talks. For consideration, email your abstract to the workshop
organizer, Dr. Susan Lamont, at sjlamontiastate.edu by October 25 with the
subject line "PAG32 Animal Genomics and Adaptation to Climate Change".
Authors of abstracts selected for oral presentation will be notified by
October 29. This timing will allow the authors not selected for a workshop
talk to meet the November 3 deadline to submit poster abstracts. To present
a poster at the conference-wide poster session, submit directly to PAG by
November 3, 2024 (https://pag.confex.com/pag/32/cfp.cgi).

If selected for an oral presentation you will be sent an automated email
from Confex.com in November with instructions on how to login and
post your individual workshop abstract. The workshop abstract submission
deadline is December 8, 2024. Speakers must register for the conference
before they officially submit an abstract to PAG.

Registration information from PAG: Prior to the October 31, the
registration rates  for workshop speakers are the same as other attendees.
However, workshop speakers are  protected from paying the increased
registration rates starting November 1. If they  are registering late, they
must request a discount code to avoid paying the increased  rate. Request a
code by sending an email to: pagscherago.com. Include the name of  the
workshop and of the organizer who invited them. They must also be listed in
the  workshop as a speaker in Confex.

We look forward to seeing you at PAG and this workshop.
Please contact me if you have any questions.

Susan J. Lamont
Distinguished Professor Emerita
Department of Animal Science
Iowa State University



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