U.S. Pig Genome Coordination Program Sponsored
The Pig SNP Chip

August 28, 2008

Illumina and the International Porcine SNP Chip Consortium are pleased to announce that we will soon have a preliminary SNP panel and additional content information available for anyone interested. If you are interested in receiving this list and/or additional content information, please contact Martien Groenen (Martien.Groenen@wur.nl) and Marylinn Munson (mmunson@illumina.com). Again, the deadline to participate in the early access and pricing discounts to 5 pm Pacific Time September 5, 2008. After 5th Sept, early access and pricing will not be available. Don't miss out on this opportunity!!
Based on total current known order commitments worldwide, we estimate the price of the final array will be Tier B. However if all committed orders come in + another 1, 000 samples, the consortium will achieve Tier C pricing.
                                    TIER B     TIER C  
PRICE / SAMPLE* as product (USD)     $120      $99.99  
PRICE / SAMPLE* as service (USD)     $192     $160.00
*Includes arrays and Illumina related reagents. Pricing does not include shipping, taxes, insurance or duties. To achieve Tier B or C pricing, all Qualifying Orders must be received by Illumina before 5th September and meet minimum required orders.
If those individuals who do not have a system, Illumina provides Genotyping Services known as FastTrack Services. Additionally, there are many service providers that can provide Infinium genotyping services. Service Providers must meet the September deadline for placing orders. Some of these providers are able to provide Infinium services for fewer samples than Illumina's 282 sample minimum. Illumina Certified Service Providers (with Infinium Genotyping certification) can be found at http://www.illumina.com/pagesnrn.ilmn?ID=69. Illumina would also be happy to provide additional names upon request.
Please do not hesitate to contact Illumina for further information or questions at http://www.illumina.com/contactMe.ilmn?CS=1.

              Max F. Rothschild
              C.F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor
              US Pig Genome Coordinator
              2255 Kildee Hall
              Department of Animal Science
              Iowa State University
              Ames, Iowa 50011
              Phone: 515-294-6202              
              Fax:   515-294-2401
              Email: mfrothsc@iastate.edu


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