Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools
A Collection of WWW Links to Information
and Services Useful to Molecular Biologists
This Collection is mirrored in the U.S.
, Germany
, Switzerland
and Japan.
For your convenience use the nearest connection!.
To install a local copy you can now get the June 16th,
1995 Version
- Part 1: Molecular Biology Search and
Analysis (95/06/15 - 64k)
- Part 2: Bibliographic, Text and WWW Searches (95/06/15 - 25k)
- Part 3: Guides, Tutorials and Help Tools (95/06/15 - 28k)
- All: Parts 1, 2 and 3 (!No Pictures!) (95/02/23 - 69k) - Old!
- Journals: Bio/Chemical Journals and Newsletters (95/06/15 - 67k)
- Extras: List of Pedro's Biological Resources
Personal Classification of Links:
- Hot/Very Useful Tools *
- Good/Useful Tools *
- Other Tools *
- Journal Links *
- Local Pages *
- Email Search *
- More Recent Additions/Changes *
- Less Recent Additions/Changes *
- WWW Server *
- Gopher Server *
- FTP Server *
- Telnet Port *
Last Modified: 95/06/16
USA: pedro@iastate.edu
Germany: michael@alpha.biophys.uni-duesseldorf.de
Switzerland: nager@fmi.ch
Japan: denis@ala.peri.co.jp